Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have to admit school redeemed itself on friday. Finally had work prep. and geography which turned out to be one of my fav classes :) Since there's no assignments in work prep. and we have like the smallest class for geography, only have about 12-14 people altogether. Yay! :L

Need to sort out my traineeship day with my boss because I love sport too much to give up interschool sport. I've put my name down for softball (softball and touch were the only sports girls can choose from :S And since I never liked touch, I've decided to join softball to bring back old memories :D)so hopefully I'll get to play.

Wasted the whole of yesterday by spending time on internet doing nothing, had a nap that took up most of the arvo, watched a french movie, finished reading a book and on internet again telling the blogging world about my lame as day.
I've realised I've developed a lazy personality during the holidays and now I cbf to do anything. But while just sitting there staring into space, I kept thinking how I should be doing something useful like go jogging/do some excercise (since I didn't excercise at all in the holidays)or study something but school only just started and there's nothing to study but I kept having this feeling that if I don't start doing some assignments or look at somthing I'll fail everything and my life as I know it will be over. But then I'll have to keep reminding myself that we haven't done anything in class yet but I'm still paranoid. :S I'm such a freak seriously.

Pretty much worked during all my waking hours today...thanks to my lovely nap yesterday arvo, I managed to wake up late this morning :)Work was pretty average. Had ups and downs.

Anyways, school tomorrow should be fun since I don't have english on monday :) SCORE!

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