Wednesday, January 27, 2010

school update

It's been two days of school and I'm not liking it. Firstly, they (im not even sure who they are) keeps making things sound more important then they are. For example, a test is now called supervised assessment. WTF? my thoughts exactly. So with the new terms, new homework/assessment policy, new ways of doing .... confused the crap out of me!

While thinking drama and FTV would be the worst subjects because of the teachers I got when I first read my timetable, they turned out to be the best so far! While english, math and chemistry was boring and lame and all we do is listen to the teacher talking non-stop. Haven't had work prep. and geography yet so that's to come in the future.

Also, because I'm doing QIP (program which involves the senior kids helping the yr 8 kids settle into high school), the pc group I'm in charge of seems to either be ignoring me or giving the evil eyes :S
And since no-one tells us what days/when we should be with our yr 8ers, it made things awkward. *sigh*

So two days of school and I'm ready to go on a holiday again. I have to say I really miss all those days where I just wake up and watch Gossip Girl or something while eating breakfast without having to be anywhere at anytime. The feeling of freedom have escaped from my reach!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *sigh* at this rate I rather go to work then go to school everyday.


  1. HAHA!
    Do u get a buddy or something?
    Gossip Girl?
    Supervised assessment?

  2. QIP's this thing where we senior kids are allocated to a year 8 pastoral care class (kinda like home room) and we just help them settle into high school. There's other senior kids taking care of my year 8ers as well. Trust me, me and them yr 8s are not buddies at all.

  3. So it's sorta like showing them around right?
    A couple of the CMC kids got buddies so that's why i thought it was a buddy system with you

  4. Nah I didn't show them around. The other people were in charge of that. Yer I know what you mean. I had a yr 1 buddy when I was in yr 7.
