Friday, January 1, 2010

Being Human.

While I was in JB Hi-Fi today, I saw this DVD, it was of the BBC show called 'Being Human'.
Here's a link so check it out first before continueing reading.

So it's a supernatural theme about three roommates, one's a vampire, one's a ghost and one's a werewolf. I find it rather intriguing, despise the fact there's so many vampire related tv shows/movies/books these days ><
I blame twilight btw! I mean since twilight, there's so many copycat vampire books which turned into tv shows/movies. So the vampire theme just isn't exciting anymore :(

So back to Being Human. I would've bought the DVD since it was only around $20 for a two-disced complete first series DVD. But since my dear mother is completely against buying DVDs (cos we can just get it from the video store or something *roll eye*), I didn't get it incase I have to put up with a lecture. So i guess I can search for it at my local video shop and hope they have it.

I also saw the ABC show 'Kick'. I actually watched this show when it was showing on tv :D
And I loved it so check it out if you haven't.

Oh and I had more sushi today. Hehe *satisfied*

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