Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Dearest Blog,

okay...let's run down on what I've been up to in the first few days of the holidays...

Saturday (29th Nov.): Had work in the morning...pretty much a drag but at night I went to...FULL CONTACT ALL GIRL ROLLER DERBY!!

Before I get into details, I would like to thank my favourite future cousin in law, IRENE, for taking me to this rather intriguing event. :)
So, when we (Me, Irene, my cousin and a friend of theirs) first arrive at the venue (Beenleigh Arena), the place was pretty much packed...of gothic looking people and a lot of tattoo covered people and homosexuals. And since us being a group of extremely observant asians, we looked around to see if there were other asians around...there were only about two. LOL
Anyways, we paid, got a stamp on our hands and walked in to find a spot. The game was between the Sun State Roller Girls and Northern Brisbane Rollers. I've decided to go for the SSRG since they are the yellow team :)

It started with a live band playing while the teams were warming up. The teams then skated around the 'ring' as an introduction. then it was GAME ON!! NBR was leading at first but then i think SSRG was just too good or something so they started smashing NBR...and by half time, we were leading well ahead.
When second half began, NBR begin to have a comeback but after an intensive, brutal, semi-violent, thrilling, adrenalin-filled, loud cheering by fans second half....the SSRG WON!!! =D

My fav SSRG players were:
#14-Christy Demons-awesome jammer and blocker
#12-Rose Ruins-great jammer
#117-Chop Chop-fast skater, great jammer
#45-Cookie Cutter-like Chop Chop, is a great jammer
#0-Kinky Rinky-love the name
#10-Mad Hatter-best blocker
Look it up on their website!
Even though I didn't go for NBG i reckon #5-Sweet Enemy deserve a mention for being a fiesty blocker :)

Irene and I loved roller derby so much, we've decided to become a groupie by buying their bandanas :D
All photos on my facebook if you wanna have a look :)

Sunday: originally had nothing planned but got a call from my boss at 11:30 asking me to work at 12 to 3 so i said yes. But ended up covering someone else's shift so worked til 5.

Monday: watched dvds all day and went on internet all

Tuesday: Movie day at Imax. Watched New Moon...pretty funny movie i reckon, some parts are quite corny :L LOL and 2012 which was not as scary as i thought it'll be and it was quite funny too :) Said bye-bye to Irene cos she' leaving for Indonesia the next morning. Bon Voyage!

Wednesday: dvds and internet in the in the arvo.

Thursday (today): starting to develop a cold ><
havent done anything much so far apart form dvds and interent :) ...
Been surfing the itune store for Apps. Have decided that i wanna get an itune card to i can upgrade my ipod to 2nd generation. :) Need to get new earphone as one's breaking! :(

So, as I'm concluding this blog and sipping the last of my honey and lemon tea....
peace y'all!
stune tuned :D

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