Thursday, December 31, 2009

NYE Day Out

NYE day out summary:

Went out today with 3 of my awesome as friends, Darby, Karen & Sarah to City/Southbank. We didn't decided to all hang out cos it's New Years Eve. It just happens to be the last day of the year :)

Highlights of the day~
-playing R-rated truth or dare on the train with sarah's awesome as phone. Haha.

-Seeing 2 fire trucks at Southbank. We were walking to Imax when we heard the sirens and see them being pulled up next to us. There wasn't actually a fire, just something with the emergency fire control panels located on the side of the buildings. But still, we acted like tourists and took photos of the trucks and the firemen. Hehe :P

-And we saw police officers as well :)

-And bodyguards at the pub. (Y)

-We went to HMV and I picked up free magazines..yes, I do have a fetish for free magazines.
And Karen decided to try out one of those CD tester thingys with massive headphones. Which resulted in her not being able to hear what we were saying. So, Sarah, Darby & myself decided to punk her while she stands there looking confused :L

-Going into Broadway and spending half an hour at the T-shirt shop. It was fun only fun for Darby & I. For the other two, they had fun at the ten gazillian shoe shops :S

-Darby & I beating Karen & Sarah to the bottom floor of Broadway from the top floor. We took the elevators while the other 2 took the esculators. :)

-Me having 2 salmon, avacado & cucumber sushi. Although the second one did not have cucumber in them ><

-Going to JB Hi-Fi cos that's a mad as shop

-We saw some creepy dude standing near the pedestrian crossings near Myer Center & Borders with a paper bag on his head. He had 2 holes cut out on the bag for his eyes and had writing on the bag. But we didn't see what it says. It was freaky.

-Nearly getting run over at the huge pedestrian crossings outside Central station. Everyone's already crossed and was just us standing in the middle :O What did we do? WE RAN FOR IT! Seriously scary experience.

-Saw the awesomest tattoos I've ever seen on this guy's arm. They were music notes in these cool as swirly pattern. (Y)

-Eating in general.

-Keeping with tradition by going to Mandarin Paradise (chinese takeaway shop at Central station) before hoping on our train. Going to Mandarin Paradise before getting on the train home was first established sometime during mid-2009 when one day we missed our train and was starving. We saw the shop and decided to get food there. So therefore, as of that day, we always go to Mandarin Paradise to make sure we are well fed and happy before we go home from city. :) So you can say it's a landmark in my books ;)

Overall, a pretty satisfying day. Gotta love Brisbane :)

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