Friday, December 4, 2009

Zombieland (Y)

So I went to watch the movie 'Zombieland' yesterday at Grand Plaza. I have to say that is the best movie I've seen so far this holiday. It was totally digusting with zombies covered in blood and have blackened flesh between their teeth running around eating people alive but the sick humour of the movie was just FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!
For those of you who havent seen it, this movie, starring Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson and Abigail Breslin, is about these four people trying to survive in the land of zombies. I'll try not to get into too much details...but I would just like to add that I'll give this movie 3 and a half stars out of 5 so everyone go watch it..NOW!

Oh and the word of the movie would have to be 'Shitstoned' :D it's shit-stoned not shits-toned for those who are wondering. I forgot in what context the word was used in but Im guessing it could be any....

-could be a describing word...
'That's one shitstoning ad' - could be a good or bad ad.

-could be a doing word...
'Dude, stop shitstoning that thing' - could be a good or bad action

-could be just a random word to say in awkward silences...
'Shitstoned...'-which will gurantee to have everyone thanking you for breaking the silence (Y)

Yea you get my drift :)

Btw, yesterday was my first time being at Grand Plaza...yes, believe it or not...and I actually quite like the place with it's massive food court :) despise the fact that I heard the place was fully bogan...which it isn't =)

And today i worked pretty much all day...planning to be just watching dvds through the night :) pretty shitstone aye ;) <-- see, example use of word right thurr! :D LOL

anyways peace y'all :)
stay tuned for future blogs :D


  1. Zombieland???
    ur always gonna like blood and gore arent u???

  2. It was a comedy...
    well horror/comedy
    but was so AWESOME! :)
