Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Had a very pedo experience yesterday...
Went to garbo with a dear friend of mine to do some christmas shopping and I've decided to go have a look at electric guitars at Music Express. The salesman came up to me and asked if I needed any assistance and I told him I was just looking. So he went away for a bit, I did as well to go look at some music, and when I came back to the guitar section, the guy came over and asked me if I needed any assistance now. So I said yes and started to ask him some questions, however during mid-sentence, he interrupted me and asked me if that is an Elmo shirt that I'm wearing. WTF!! I was thinking "What the hell's he doing looking at my shirt!". That may not sounded like a big deal...but, I had a vest over the shirt and the word "Elmo" was pretty low on the shirt so yea. PERVERT! ><
And he's also a dickhead of a salesman cos when he asked me if I was buying a guitar today or just having a look and I answered just having a look, he just turned away and walked off. >:(

And also, that email from this "Tessy" person freaked me out so bad and I thought it was a pedo...which it probably is :S

So that was my pedo experience....

On another subject, I bought a rainbow suspender yesterday from JayJays for $1 !!! SCORE!! :) Sweet buy :)

Work is pretty fun these days. And I've mastered the art of cardboard boxes (e.g. chip boxes) so now I can make them with one hand :)

Other than that, not much stuff happening.

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