Sunday, February 7, 2010

Whole chicken strikes again.

Mmm...where to start? Well, some wise person told me it'll be easier to start from the beginning, but there is no beginning so I guess I'll just write them as they come into mind.

So, had work today. Hate how we're always the last ones to close on sunday afternoons. Cos that way all the customer always come to our place when they see the other places closed and we then end up rushing everything (eg. getting the last orders out + cleaning process). So today just before closing we had heaps of customers and since it was just me up front (lucky me...*note the sarcasism*), I was rushigng around getting people's orders and handing out orders. And customers kept coming back and complaining about how there isn't enough salt on their chips or not enough chips with their chicken. Well FYI all you annoying people! If you wanted extra salt you could've said when you were ordering! DAMMIT!
Well, it could've been partly our fault with the chips with chicken part cos our kitchen hand (let's call him Teddy cos I shouldn't mention his real name), think it's cos it's been a long day and he just wanna go home or something, wasn't putting enough chips in the boxes so we kept having people coming back. Anyways, and while I was handling one of the orders, which included a whole chicken, because we put whole chickens in a paper/aluminium foil bag, I was holding it by the top bit and then the chicken fell through the bottom! REPEAT! THE CHICKEN FELL THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE FREAKING BAG! So it was really busy, all the customers were waiting, only one kitchen-hand so took a while to get the foods made, and I was just waiting there with a chicken on the freaking bench and the broken bag in my hand! First of all it was way too random, secondly all the customers were staring and pretty sure some rude ones were laughing, and I was panicing that the foods were taking so long. First thought? FML! So I yelled at Teddy to come get the chicken off the bench with some equipment cos then customers will then complain about how unhygienic we are. After the chicken incident...things got better and we satisfied all the customers and then we're closed! And after we closed I had to re-stock, sweep & scrub & mop the floor, wipe over all the benches + tills, take the sign down and re-stock the fridge. So that's all in a day's work.

Another internet and iTune's are being little bitches and isn't functioning properly and that's pissing me off >:(

School, school,'s fine. So far alright. I joined the softball team...gotta be the worst mistake this year. Haven't gotten into the tough part (assessment times) yet, I'm bracing myself for it.

Went to my dear friend Erika's party on saturday night. Was fun. I had fun jumping into the pool with my clothes on. It was a dare and I, Jade, never backs down from a dare.

One last thing...I should cut down on the amount of hairspray I'm using.


  1. lol
    1. You use hairspray???
    2. What did Auntie say about u in dripping wet clothes
    Haven't seen u in awhile
    Do u know what's happening on Saturday???

  2. 1. yes i do...and obscene amount too
    2. she didn't see...i was half dried by then
    3. yes it did. *sigh*

    Saturday meaning NYE? dunno...we're all having dinner or something...
