Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today is the first day of the chinese new well as valentines day.
Yesterday, being chinese new years eve, asian families like mine would gather together and have dinner...which is what we did. At Buffet Garden. I have to say it was a bit dull compare to other times but the food was still yum yum yum. And I get to see all my awesome cousins and families..and you know that warm fuzzy feeling you get at family get-togethers? Well I didn't feel that...probably because my brother's there..but anyways.
After dinner...some of us went back to aunty's house and do what we do every year. And that is...the adults will be watching some lame as chinese new years celebratory show that goes till about 2 o'clock in the morning. The kids will be up stairs watching some movie.
And this year I watched the coolest movie ever: Resident Evil II !!! AWESOME OR WHAT!
I wasn't gonna watch it cos they got annoying chinese subtitles but then I heard the chick said, "Everyone died...but they didn't stay dead." WHOA :O A freaking awesome zombie movie! I'm up for it! Favourite characters: Alice cos of what she did in the church (totally super freaking awesome) and Valentine cos of what she did in the police station (also totally super freaking awesome). Must watch the first and third one as well. :)

After the movie I watched a bit of the XXI Olympic Winter Games- Vancouver 2010 opening ceremony...WAS SO BORING! The cool bit was probably when they were showing the images on the sheet's thingy...but they had these hairy emo scottish (dunno why they're scottish when it's in Canada..)men with fake as tattoos doing tap dancing and playing the violin...Mmm...weird.
After an agonising hour of watching crap tv...finally went home around 1am. So let's just say I was still tired when I went to work later in the morning.

At work: work was average..apart from one incident. This woman bought something but was 20 cent short but then she already left to get something else and so it was just her kid waiting. So I told the kid that they're 20 cent short so he went to get his mum. But the mum never showed up and instead the dad did. So the dad told me he'll just go get the mum cos she had the money but after 10 minutes he came back and saw his kid still waiting so he went off at me! Saying crap like, "It's just 20 cent give the boy his food already!" So I had to explain as nicely as I can manage to the moronic man that I really can't process the transaction without the 20 cent cos the system is programed that way. I know it's only 20 cent and I would've gave the little boy his food but if I keep letting people off I'll get fired one day so then I had to explain that the 20 cent is needed. Of course the man was even more mad and was getting louder, "For god sakes, you already have most of the money so just give him the food." So I gave him the money back and said "We cannot give you the food without the 20 cent." And he started saying stuff like how our store is so crap and they'll never buy from us again. And I was just standing there thinking , "Omg this guy's freaking embarrassing me. Fuck off already!" And there were other customers standing around once again...was truely another FML moment. And even more ridiculously, the mum came up and said she wanna file a complaint form! WTF!? where was she 10 minutes ago?! Could've just pay the 20 cent and everyone will be happy. Jeez!
So for the rest of the shift I felt pretty crappy so after work I got a Boost and a kebab :)

That shall be all...remember to watch the Olympic Winter Games everyone! :)

oh and I watched Cougar town on thursday...mad as show :D

1 comment:

  1. Can't stand rude people. Good on you for standing up and take control of the situation! :D
