Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summary of the past 20 days

Okay so I went to Supanova towards the end of the holidays and it was different from what I had expected. It was mainly...actually scratch that...all about manga and anime and just a tad on DC/marvel comics. And what I had expected was half of what was there plus half of movies/tv shows. But I was WRONG! D:
But the highlights were:
+ we walked around and Irene decided to watch some of the events happening at the seminar rooms. We watched the Anime Game Show which was hilarious and I'll definitely watched that again.
+ People in cosplay.Saw a guy in an Alien suit that was SOOO real. Saw a couple Na'vis, Umbrella Corp., lots of Naruto and Final Fantasy characters, Star Wars of course, robot from Doctor Who, Beauty and the Beast, DragonballZ, Sailor Moon and heaps and heaps but I can't really remember now.
+ The Cosplay Competition

Verdict: Will go again next year...but will also learn more about manga and anime before then.

School started (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) and we had cross country on the first week.
I came 1st :)
had district cross country and came 19th out of 50 :P Pretty good considering I cbf running and walked half of it.
Got heaps of assignments coming up so probably won't hear from me for a while.

Work: I've started doing kitchenhand because my duty manager saw that I was fairly interested in putting chips into the cartons so she got me into it. :S At first it was fun but now I wish I wasn't doing it cos of all the hard work! Cleaning, preparing,constantly checking there's stock, more cleaning and keeping up with orders and more cleaning! During my shift the other day (thursday, late night), it was rush hour (dinner time) so we were really busy and my boss decided to clean the floor. Who the hell cleans during dinner! So then he got me to help him so I spend most of the shift scooping water from the floor and the floor was literally flooded! So I scooped and scooped and then sweeped all the debris and mope everything but water kept appearing out of nowhere! By the end I was so exhausted and I still had to do kitchen closing since I'm a kitchenhand. BLEH!
But since I'm in it now might as well suck it up and do the work. And I'll have to do kitchenhand anyways cos of my traineeship. So soon I'll be multi-skilled :D

Last night, I went to Roller Derby again! This time it's Licorice Short Shorts vs. Golden Roughs. And both are SSRG teams. I rooted for the Short Shorts cos the team looks more organised and sharp. However, boths teams have my fav rollers. There were more falls in this game then the other which it better and funnier! In the end the Short Shorts won by around 100 and the score was 74-178! The players skates around high-fiving the crowd after the game and I got a high five from my fav skater from the Short Shorts, #12 Rose Ruins! And before when we enter the arena, they gave us a program for th engiht and inside there's a piece of paper where you can vote for your fav player from the two teams. I voted for LSS-Rose Ruins and GR-#14 Christy Demons! Afterwards, I went to the merchandise stands and got another bandana, this time a black one so I can support the LSS and I also got my ticket for the next game which is on 5th June!
Can't wait! :D

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