Sunday, October 17, 2010


WOOOOOOOOO! So I went to Paramore's concert last night (17.10.10, yeah!) with my lovely friend, Bjaay and a couple of her friends and damn, it was one of the best things ever! Despite the fact we've waited 4 hours, it was worth it. So I found it really exciting and new since I've never been to a concert before. While we were waiting outside, Paramore was doing sound checks and rehearsing and we heard Hayley Williams' voice, it was like god speaking to us or something and we got sooooo excited and was fully anticipating, like we weren't already :L. It started with their supporting band, Relient K, and they played a few songs including a cover of "Dynomite". I was excited to see them cos I know like these one song of their's but they didn't play it D:. But their other songs are still quite good. Then this other band played but I didn't know their names but they were pretty crap anyways.

Because you're not allowed to take water bottles in, they were handing out these cups of water and you take a gulp and hold it up and whoever wants it can just take it from you. I thought the water cups were much more interesting/exciting then Paramore's supporting bands and judging from most of the people in the crowd they thought so too :L ! And with these little gestures of passing water around seems to unite the crowd of fans together...I loved it!

After, 3 hours once we got in, including after been in the gross as toilets, hearing Relient K, the other band which went for a while and another half hour after them...PARAMORE FINALLY CAME ON!!! Pretty sure we started becoming more wild when these awesome as curtains came down covering the stage and everyone pretty much screamed their heart out! They started playing the intro to the first song, which I think was "Careful" and once the singing began, the curtains fall down revealing the band! And OMG we saw HAYLEY WILLIAMS like less than 10 metres away from us!! *insert hysterical screams* I didn't know the first few song they played since I wasn't a REALLY big fan but I'm sure "Careful" and "Ignorance" was one of them. Between songs, Hayley screamed and so did everyone with her, "WE ARE PA-RA-MORE!!!" Once they've played "Decoded" I knew some of their songs after that too. They played "Crushcrushcrush", "Brick by Boring Brick" and "The Only Exception" and they were the best!! Think it was during "The Only Exception", I think, that this guy in front of us was waving a lit lighter :L They also did a cover for this country song since they're from a country town and when Hayley said "We're from Tennessee, incase y'all didn't know," I though she sounded like Miley Cyrus lol. And they also did "Looking Up" and had this cute video on the background along with it.

Everyone pretty much just screamed along to the songs it was so crazy and since Bjaay and I were in the mosh pit the whole night, I have never felt up or been felt up by so many people before hahaha. But it was the most INSANE experience ever! They have these mad as lightings and the atmosphere was just too awesome! When everyone's just all jumping up and down as one was off the hook!

Overall, after this one awesome/crazy/insane night, I'm officially a bigger Paramore fan then before!! :D Although they didn't play "Turn It Off" and we got so sick of tall people blocking the way and being elbowed in the head when other people put their hands up, it sure was one memorable night. Will most definitely go see Paramore again ! :D YEAH WE LOVE YOU PARAMORE! ESPECIALLY YOU HAYLEY WILLIAMS ;)

Next concerts on the list for my concert buddy, Bjaay and I: Linkin Park and or Muse and then Soundwave!! WOOPWOOPWOOP! ;)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Toilet cubicle, suicide line and Fringe :D

So I had a pretty shitty day yesterday. How do I tell it was shitty? Well if the highlight of your day was finding a public toilet cubicle that's more roomy than usual, which don't get me wrong it was freaking awesome (Y), then yeah, lousy day. But it wasn't all bad. I mean the cubicle thing made me happy momentarily but I also went to the local asian shop to pick up some food and man, it sure bring back memories :) However, previously that day, I had work. And I was up front. Which means I had the joy of encountering a few customers that were pretty impolite. So that and other things totally shitstoned everything. But on a brighter side...let's go back to two nights ago....

SO saturday night, as mentioned in the previous blog, was the monthly/bi-monthly Roller Derby Bout!! So I went, had my teams' bandana around my wrist and even sat at the suicide line :D Now the suicide line is pretty much just the space around the ring closest to the action and it's call the suicide line mainly because you'll get the priviledge of having one or more roller girls landing on you when they crash. Sadly, I didn't get landed on which would've been super awesome if it was one of my favourite skaters but nevertheless at the suicide line, it's got a pretty damn good view :D ALthough, what's even more sad is that my team, the Licorice Short Shorts lost D: BUT I will not just simply change to a Roughie fan cos my team had a few bad runs. With the final score of 83-120, the Roughies have won 3 games so far and the Shorties with 2 games. BUT, with one more bout to go till the grand finale of the season, I believe the Shorties will pull through and have a triumphant won (Y) LSS! LSS! LSS!

Now fastforward to today. I pretty much woke up and just watched TV all day. I've just finished watching season 1 of the TV show Fringe and yeah it's one of the best shows there is :D Can't wait to watch season 2 for sure.

Anyways, no interesting things left to say so this post shall end now. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Odd dreams, lemon & honey tea and my UFO encounter.

So, I had this dream the other night....

Some people from my grade and I were handling some radiative substances and afterwards we disposed our gloves that had some blue stuff on it from the radiation. We then did an EEI (OMG an EEI. Unbelievable)based on the best way to dispose these radiative polluted gloves. Apparently, the options were to burn the gloves or dig a hole, dump the gloves in the hole and burn it. So, taking in the fact the radiative substance will pollute the atmosphere it was to be burn on ground surface and it will affect the earth's crust if it was burnt in the hole. Some of my chemistry classmates and I were confused about this EEI and we decided to go see our 'professor'. We went into this castle type of hallway you see in Harry Potter and our 'professor' was washing the dirt off Brazilian peanuts when we approached. And after rinsing them Brazilian peanuts, our 'professor' would gobble them up and these huge rice balls will just suddenly replace the peanuts!! (Haha RICE BALLS! how random) So, yeah. That's was pretty the end of it. I had woke up feeling very strange. LOL.

Onto another strange event....I believe I saw a UFO on 4th of September, 2010 sometime between 7pm and 7:13pm. I didn't had the exact time cos I was gobsmacked and forgot to follow the procedure for "When you see a UFO...". And I don't gobsmack often. Only when I see something extremely incredible like scientific phenomenons such as UFOs or just really hot people ;) :L Ok anyways, so I was on the computer doing usual stuff like FB during this time and suddenly out of the corner of my eyes, I saw this massive as orange 'glow' that was like 'cruising' across the night sky outside my window. It was like this blurry kind of orange object where you can't see any details on it and I saw it for like 7-8 seconds and then it disappeared behind the trees. BUT, being unequipped for thing like this, I didn't have any recording devices to record this true event cos I just don't own a camera and the camera on my phone is totally crap, I thought I'll do a little sketch to show you guys. SO check it out...

So it's not the best sketch but you get the idea. So that orange thing in the sky was the UFO I saw :D and those are the damn trees that it disappeared behind to D:

And since I saw the UFO the same night the Riverfire was on...many people decided it was the planes that I saw not a UFO. So, I did another sketch showing you guys that it was not the plane! See for yourself...

SO AS SHOWN IN A REALLY OBVIOUSLY WAY...the UFO was definitely not the plane since I saw the difference bewteen the two as both objects had flew past my window. Even though by saying my UFO was the plane, then why did they both travelled in the same direction? If my UFO was heading to Riverfire, it would've be 'cruising' towards the opposite direction of the trees not to the trees as the plane did. So, it'll be like to and from Riverfire but since what I saw is a UFO, It went the same direction as the plane. HA! Take that skeptics!

Alright, to sum up today's awesome entry, I'll just inform you that I have come up with the best lemon juice, honey, hot water and room temperature ratio for my home made lemon & honey tea :D Should try it one day, it's legendary ;)

Oh and this month's roller derby bout is tomorrow night, GO LIQUORICE SHORT SHORTS! KICK ASS!!
Results and highlights of the events will be posted soon...depending on my amount of laziness :D (Y)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As you might have guessed it, I'm on about the tv show 'Heroes'! Since recently finishing the first season, I'm officially a Heroes fan. :D It's just too exciting and suspenseful! And also the scientific and supernatural-ish aspect is as well :) But I won't bore you with all my favourite characters and episodes and scenes although I'll just say I totally hate Sylar and it annoyed the heck out of me when he's still alive in the second season. >:(
However...after a quick research on IMBD...I found out the actress that plays Niki is Claire from Residen Evil: Extinction!!! I guess I didn't realise that cos she's got different hair colour in RE. Speaking of RE...the last time I checked, Resident Evil: Afterlife(in 3D or 2D) comes out on October 14th* at Imax!! Everyone, mark it in your diary, on your calender and on your phone/ipod/anything with a date application!!! It's gonna be TOO BLOODY AWESOOOOOOOOOME!!
And since I was scrolling the page of 'Coming Soon' movies, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1 (in 3D) comes out on November 18th*!!! Mark that also :D

* Dates could be incorrect...since they always change release dates :S

So, no, I haven't done anything in the holdays apart from working only just one shift so far... >.< and spending my time watching Heroes :) and various other movies. I watched Adventureland the other day and I have to say it disappointed me. I had thought that it would be one of those romantic comedies about two high school kids that met during their summer jobs at Adventureland. But instead, they weren't high school kids at all...and they're pretty messed up with their drugs and alcohol ant etc...and they think it's crappy to be working at an amusement park. I wish I was working at an amusement park! D: And the movie wasn't as funny as I hoped (it was still kinda funny)...since it was the same guy from Zombieland. Major sigh!

Another one was Obsessed starring Beyonce and Ali Larter...pretty psychotic it was and there was the bit at the end where them two got into a full on fight so if girl fights are your thing then check it out. (Y)

And there was I Love You, Man. A bit disappointing as well, the main guy (Paul Rudd's charater) was such a loser and not very funny since I expected it to be hilarious. Other characters weren't so outstanding either. D:

Ideas for the rest of the holidays:
- go city/southbank
- work (got 2 shifts coming up :D)
- film for WPP
- do school stuff (read ENG play, finish DRA draft D:)
- play at the park :)

I figure I shouldn't say 'plans' and use 'Ideas' insead since I never do what I 'plan' to do. :/

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summary of the past 20 days

Okay so I went to Supanova towards the end of the holidays and it was different from what I had expected. It was mainly...actually scratch that...all about manga and anime and just a tad on DC/marvel comics. And what I had expected was half of what was there plus half of movies/tv shows. But I was WRONG! D:
But the highlights were:
+ we walked around and Irene decided to watch some of the events happening at the seminar rooms. We watched the Anime Game Show which was hilarious and I'll definitely watched that again.
+ People in cosplay.Saw a guy in an Alien suit that was SOOO real. Saw a couple Na'vis, Umbrella Corp., lots of Naruto and Final Fantasy characters, Star Wars of course, robot from Doctor Who, Beauty and the Beast, DragonballZ, Sailor Moon and heaps and heaps but I can't really remember now.
+ The Cosplay Competition

Verdict: Will go again next year...but will also learn more about manga and anime before then.

School started (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!) and we had cross country on the first week.
I came 1st :)
had district cross country and came 19th out of 50 :P Pretty good considering I cbf running and walked half of it.
Got heaps of assignments coming up so probably won't hear from me for a while.

Work: I've started doing kitchenhand because my duty manager saw that I was fairly interested in putting chips into the cartons so she got me into it. :S At first it was fun but now I wish I wasn't doing it cos of all the hard work! Cleaning, preparing,constantly checking there's stock, more cleaning and keeping up with orders and more cleaning! During my shift the other day (thursday, late night), it was rush hour (dinner time) so we were really busy and my boss decided to clean the floor. Who the hell cleans during dinner! So then he got me to help him so I spend most of the shift scooping water from the floor and the floor was literally flooded! So I scooped and scooped and then sweeped all the debris and mope everything but water kept appearing out of nowhere! By the end I was so exhausted and I still had to do kitchen closing since I'm a kitchenhand. BLEH!
But since I'm in it now might as well suck it up and do the work. And I'll have to do kitchenhand anyways cos of my traineeship. So soon I'll be multi-skilled :D

Last night, I went to Roller Derby again! This time it's Licorice Short Shorts vs. Golden Roughs. And both are SSRG teams. I rooted for the Short Shorts cos the team looks more organised and sharp. However, boths teams have my fav rollers. There were more falls in this game then the other which it better and funnier! In the end the Short Shorts won by around 100 and the score was 74-178! The players skates around high-fiving the crowd after the game and I got a high five from my fav skater from the Short Shorts, #12 Rose Ruins! And before when we enter the arena, they gave us a program for th engiht and inside there's a piece of paper where you can vote for your fav player from the two teams. I voted for LSS-Rose Ruins and GR-#14 Christy Demons! Afterwards, I went to the merchandise stands and got another bandana, this time a black one so I can support the LSS and I also got my ticket for the next game which is on 5th June!
Can't wait! :D

Monday, April 5, 2010


Monday's entry:

Today at work, this guy bought something from me and he came back a while later saying he gave me $50 and I only gave me like $5 change when he bought something for around $10. My first instinct was WTF?! So I check my register and saw that he gave me a $20 not $50. He then went away and came back with this chick with him. The chick insisted that they gave me $50 and they want the rest of their change back. Ok, tbh, by now I was panicking that maybe I did pressed the wrong button on the screen and gave the wrong change but the more I think about it the more bogus it all sounded. My manager then counted my till to check and it turns out that they didn't give us $50 and they were trying to rip us off!! AND THAT MADE ME REALLY PISSED!!! >:( So because my till was up $6 my manager gave it to them. :S Later on, we saw the same chick at another shop obviously argueing that they've been given the wrong change as well! We than had a little discussion amongst us and we agreed we did the right thing and didn't let them rip us off. But I was still pretty pissed and wanted to punch those people in the face >.< *sigh*

Today' entry:
Yesterday, I went to watch How to Train Your Dragon 3D at Garbo with friends. It was a pretty practical and touching movie and I thought it was great even though I missed the first 5 minutes of it. Normally I'm not a fan of animated films at all but I have to say this one's an exception :)And the dragon was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! So, How to train Your Dragon, 4.25/5 stars :) Half star off cos i didn't see the start but that's my fault not the movie's and .25 star off cos his dad annoyed me XD

Today, I went to watch Clash of the Titans 3D. One of the best movies this holiday I have to say! The movie's based on ancient greek and it's mythology and it's about the battle between the gods and humans. BATTLE? GODS? GREEK MYTHOLOGY? OH MY GOD AWESOME OR WHAT!!!? :P Favourite scenes included the killing of the giant scorpians, when the gods were having a discussion, the fight with the snake lady, when the kraken was revealed it was grand, and several others. I was so glad I watched it and I give it a 4.75/5 stars because there was this character I hate and some retarded moments but overall, twas good! :D Go wath it now! :D

Monday, March 29, 2010

When i grow up, I want to be a rockstar :)

On the holidays, I'm also planning on going to Supanova with my awesome cousin, Irene :)

Check it out.
(not sure why it ain't clickable...)
OMG! Geeks-overload!!! CAN'T WAIT! :D

Also I found out that my english teacher's in the SSRG (roller derby for those that doesn't follow it) and she told me the next game is on 24th April!! So guys, book it in and get your butt to it. :)

Finished all my assessments for this term...
Found out another mark.
Chem.- B (sigh :( )

BTW, Glee comes back on in late April! GLEE-FUL! Should be rad.