Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Back!

O.M.G ! Been so long since I've blogged and I apologise for my devoted readers but I blame school for taking up my spare time. But now with my assessments nearly (one more left) over, I can blog again! :D

Okay, so so much had happened in the past month. I'll just put them down in random orders as i think of it.

Work: going good. Still got dickhead customers but that'll never stop.

Anything school related: had futsal early in the month. I won't go into the embarrassing details. >.< Plus I got heaps of bruises from substituting as goalie.
Assignments going well, I think. Haven't got many marks back and getting more and more paranoid everyday.
So far I got:
Maths B- B (could be a problem later on..)
Geog.- A- (might change cos it's not cross marked yet)

Health, recreation & entertainment: Not doing any exercise at all. Blaming school again :L
Been reading regularly and I've developed a kind of 'fixation' towards classical music.
Haven't watched many TV shows/movies lately as well. Only Cougar Town, How I Met Your Mother and sometimes V and Thank God Your Here.

Plans for holidays!: PLAY. WORK. STUDY.
Movies on my list:
+ Dear John
+ Clash of the Titans
+ The Bounty Hunter
And maybe:
+ How to Train Your Dragon (3D)
+ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Ones I'll probably wait till the DVDs comes out:
+ The Last Song
+ Remember Me
+ The Blind Side
+ Shutter Island
+ The Hurt Locker

Plus lot's of DVDs to watch :)
Gonna get lots of excerises in (hopefully) and try to get lots of hours at work :)

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