Friday, November 20, 2009

My Day (20/11/09)

Friday today! Yay!

well today's the yr 12 graduation...which is sad seeing them leave :(
yes, although i don't actually talk to any of the yr 12s however, since they're part of the school, i have been seeing them for the past 3 years and they are familiar people so yea it's a bit sad
and then in soccer we had to stack up all the chairs and carpet >:(
but then we get leftover cakes :D

I left school early to sign some traineeship contract at work...
my manager said it should take a while so by the time it finished my shift would start...
he was wrong.
so instead of being at school, i was sitting in Shingle Inn (cafe) with my mother while she talks about things :S

But work went quite good
I truly believed that my fridge stocking skills has improved since I've started work...which is like two weeks ago... :D *proud*

So now since im on the computer...and i always look at the window infront fo me occassionally, and atm...since it's night like there's geckoes on my window.
i think it's cos of the lighting or something but those geckoes looks kinda see through and one of them has these round things inside it's stomach...i think it's its babies....

EWWW? gross? WTF?
my thoughts exactly.

peace y'all! :D
stay tune for future blogs from Jade! :D

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