Friday, November 27, 2009


Time: 10:17pm

I've realised my blogging time's normally pass 10 at night since most people seems to be not very talkative on msn at this time of the day...

So anyways, let's quickly update on what had happened since the last time I've blogged.

Firstly, Semi formal!! It was alright i reckon. Music/DJ was crap, food arent the best BUT everyone looked so pretty! and that just made the night awesome I kudos for everyone that attended :D

Secondly, holiday have started!!!! WOOP WOOP WOOP!!!

Thirdly, I've joined the QIP program.

And lastly...I'm now doing drama instead of furnishing for senior years.
This is mainly due to lesson collisions.

Anyways...I've been watching the tv series Kyle XY lately. It's pretty cool I reckon. I'm quite glued to it.

eh...suddenly didn't feel like, next time.

peace ya'll
stay tuned yea?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

11:21pm (21/11/09) funny how the time and date this blog is posted is so alike

It's currently 10:25pm as im writing this...

I am a bit tired...mostly from watching too much tv i've decided to write a blog.
ha ha ha my range of recreation activities are so broad :P

well you're probably wondering what i did today (or not) but i'll tell you anyways, for those interested. :D
got up pretty late....for once in ages i get to sleep in. Woop! :D
had a call from dad
and the rest of the day is just a combination of tv/movies, myspace/facebook/online training/emails/blog, eating/more eating, drawing and rocking out to my loud speakers :D
what a sweet life it tis!
anyways, finished watching The Polar Express an hour ago for the first's quite inspiring in a way, kinda make me wanna believe in Santa again :D
Watched Ghost Rider for the second time that movie...Eva Mendes is hilarious (:

A thought came across me in the pass few days. Some of you might know that i have decided to be a pilot a few weeks ago. Well I kinda changed my mind (typical) when I've realised doing Physics is essential to become a pilot.
So, I've been considering on doing a dual degree when I leave school. Bachelor of Medicine/Surgery and Bachelor of Arts majoring in Film/Television, Drama or French.
At the University of Queensland of course (:
since I've been reading their undergraduate handbook like a bible for the last few months...every since the career expo.
I reckon that this dual degree will suit me since I find myself to be quite a natural in science and I do love film/tv, drama and french.....What do you think??

It's most likely that I'll change my mind again...but meh

However I have got my mind set on doing the following subjects for my senior years:
English (OP)
Math B
Film, Television and Media
and Work Prep. first semester

It it quite sad that I'm dropping drama :(
but it could be for the best.

Btw, is it just me or christmas seems to be here really early this year?
I mean it's november and all these christmas movies are already being shown on tv, pretty much all the shops are already decorated with christmas stuff, Santa's already taking wishes from little kids at the mall and heaps of people are having christmas parties already....
Mmm....could be interesting.

Should've blogged about this two days ago....but anyways...GLEE IS AWESOME!
I LOVE that show and pretty sure everyone would agree ...
we (my friends and I) loved the show so much, we even dedicated part of our soap opera to it (the Hudsons scene) :L:L:L
For those of you who dunno, we're filming a soap opera in drama (well we've finished filming the other day so yer). One of the best effing creation ever made I reckon (Y) It's called Uni Life, if you're interested, ask me about it ;)

Okay back to Glee, one of the best shows EVER.! full stop. (: Quinn's the best! Puck's awesome, Principal Figgin's one of the most hilarious character ever, so's Sue. When Rachael sings, she's better then then the song's original artist. (=
Taking about shows, I am still rather pissed about how channel 10 cancelled Beverly Hills 90210 ( the remake). I honestly don't get why a lot of people think it's crap but I personally think it's a good show, not just because of the people in it, but it had a pretty good storyline and it's a funny show too.
America's Next Top Model is another one that got cancelled. >< tsk tsk

Anyways, that's all I've got to say today.
Peace y'all!
Remember! Stay tune for future blogs! (:

p.s it's now 11:19pm...took me nearly an hour to write this blog :O
but i was half listening to Keira Knightley declaring her love to Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Carribean so you can't say I type slow :P

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Day (20/11/09)

Friday today! Yay!

well today's the yr 12 graduation...which is sad seeing them leave :(
yes, although i don't actually talk to any of the yr 12s however, since they're part of the school, i have been seeing them for the past 3 years and they are familiar people so yea it's a bit sad
and then in soccer we had to stack up all the chairs and carpet >:(
but then we get leftover cakes :D

I left school early to sign some traineeship contract at work...
my manager said it should take a while so by the time it finished my shift would start...
he was wrong.
so instead of being at school, i was sitting in Shingle Inn (cafe) with my mother while she talks about things :S

But work went quite good
I truly believed that my fridge stocking skills has improved since I've started work...which is like two weeks ago... :D *proud*

So now since im on the computer...and i always look at the window infront fo me occassionally, and atm...since it's night like there's geckoes on my window.
i think it's cos of the lighting or something but those geckoes looks kinda see through and one of them has these round things inside it's stomach...i think it's its babies....

EWWW? gross? WTF?
my thoughts exactly.

peace y'all! :D
stay tune for future blogs from Jade! :D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First Blog! :D

Hi everybody :)
this is my first blog *exciting squeal*
so im posting it as a little celebratory blog :)
since it took me a while to make one ><

stay tune since from now on i will blog about whatever...when i bother to
peace y'all :)