Monday, March 29, 2010

When i grow up, I want to be a rockstar :)

On the holidays, I'm also planning on going to Supanova with my awesome cousin, Irene :)

Check it out.
(not sure why it ain't clickable...)
OMG! Geeks-overload!!! CAN'T WAIT! :D

Also I found out that my english teacher's in the SSRG (roller derby for those that doesn't follow it) and she told me the next game is on 24th April!! So guys, book it in and get your butt to it. :)

Finished all my assessments for this term...
Found out another mark.
Chem.- B (sigh :( )

BTW, Glee comes back on in late April! GLEE-FUL! Should be rad.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Back!

O.M.G ! Been so long since I've blogged and I apologise for my devoted readers but I blame school for taking up my spare time. But now with my assessments nearly (one more left) over, I can blog again! :D

Okay, so so much had happened in the past month. I'll just put them down in random orders as i think of it.

Work: going good. Still got dickhead customers but that'll never stop.

Anything school related: had futsal early in the month. I won't go into the embarrassing details. >.< Plus I got heaps of bruises from substituting as goalie.
Assignments going well, I think. Haven't got many marks back and getting more and more paranoid everyday.
So far I got:
Maths B- B (could be a problem later on..)
Geog.- A- (might change cos it's not cross marked yet)

Health, recreation & entertainment: Not doing any exercise at all. Blaming school again :L
Been reading regularly and I've developed a kind of 'fixation' towards classical music.
Haven't watched many TV shows/movies lately as well. Only Cougar Town, How I Met Your Mother and sometimes V and Thank God Your Here.

Plans for holidays!: PLAY. WORK. STUDY.
Movies on my list:
+ Dear John
+ Clash of the Titans
+ The Bounty Hunter
And maybe:
+ How to Train Your Dragon (3D)
+ The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Ones I'll probably wait till the DVDs comes out:
+ The Last Song
+ Remember Me
+ The Blind Side
+ Shutter Island
+ The Hurt Locker

Plus lot's of DVDs to watch :)
Gonna get lots of excerises in (hopefully) and try to get lots of hours at work :)